Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome to my journal

Greetings and Welcome to a personal journey beyond the veil, this is an ascension journey. You have been guided to this experience. As you read this web site you will experience activations and an acceleration of your light body. The Time of the Great Awakening is at hand, you have agreed to incarnate at this time to participate in the Birth of a New Creation, the Awakening of Heaven on Earth. All of Earth and All of Humanity is Ascending. The Prophecies have foretold massive earth changes, which are being averted by the awakening of the great light and raising the vibrations of the planet. Remember love has a higher electro-magnetic vibration than fear. Always think LOVE.

Every single being has a place in Creation and a calling to serve the Divine Plan for Humanity and Earth at this time. This web site helps you awaken this deep memory within your DNA. You may notice that your life becomes even more synchronistic and observe signs of becoming a fully awakened human. The principles of this site support World Peace, Unity through Diversity, and Sovereignty for all of Humanity. It is our belief that every single souls is moving into their greater light presence.

Always remember the truth lies within your heart source of wisdom. The Universe supports your ascension journey this website facilitates your awakening.

The power of the Faith of the Mustard Seed is within you and it is this faith that will guide you through these times of transformation.


michelle jennings said...

Hello Judith,

I am so grateful that you have a website for me to plug into every once in a while to refresh my understanding of why I am here. Even though I know that LOVE is the moving energy in all creation, I sometimes loose sight of how it operates in my everyday life. It is great to have reminders that are gentle, strong and full of hopeful direction.

MIchelle Jennings, Toronto, 8:58 am Dec 3, 2008

YINSEY said...

Todos somos buscadores de la luz hacia la que caminamos, siempre estamos buscando el camino a seguir, nos estan tan cerca y otros seguimos dando vueltas, gracias por tus enseñanzas nos acercan a la verdad del corazón, ojala pudiesemos enseñar a los niños el aprender a vivir en la vida para progresar a un estado superior.
Con amor, gracias a los mensajeros de la luz y a todos aquellos que practican la verdad del amor.
Sonia Maria Fernandez Lopez.